Focus / Events

Violence against gays and lesbians has been a worldwide phenomenon throughout history and film history. Whilst the acceptance of non-heterosexual people has greatly improved in Western countries and violence has decreased, attacks in Eastern Europe, in the Arab world and in many other corners of the globe are still common. And even in this country not everything is «pink»: a few months ago unknown attackers raided the Les Garçons Bar in Zurich. In collaboration with Queeramnesty, Pink Apple will show two Italian films about hate crimes. Queeramnesty will introduce the issue. «Non accettare i sogni dagli sconosciuti» (director Roberto Cuzillo will be present) and «Un bacio» feature hate crimes in Russia and violent attacks at schools.
Zu diesem Fokus gehören:
Zürich, Arthouse Movie
So, 1. Mai 2016, 21.15 Uhr
Zürich, Arthouse Movie
Do, 5. Mai 2016, 11.15 Uhr
Frauenfeld, Cinema Luna
Sa, 7. Mai 2016, 20 Uhr